About the Journal

Macau Journal of Brazilian Studies



    Dan Wei

    Claudia Lima Marques

Associate Editors

    Fernando M. Furlan

    Ma Chi Ngai Frederico

    Yi Shen

    Ângelo Patrício Rafael

Editorial Board

    Andrea K. Bjorklund

    Antonio Domingos Padula

    Aziz Tuffi Saliba

    Claudia Lima Marques

    Dan Wei

    David P. Stewart

    Fernando M. Furlan

    Gail Pearson

    Geraint Gordon Howells

    Gustavo Tepedino

    Hui Liu

    Inguelore Scheunemann

    José Augusto Fontoura Costa

    Leong Wa Fong

    Louise Ellen Teitz

    Leong Wa Fong

    Luke Nottage

    Ma Chi Ngai Frederico

    Marcílio Toscano Franca Filho

    Marilda Rosado de Sá Ribeiro

    Philip Yang

    Rosângela Lunardelli Cavallazzi

    Rossana Valeria de Souza e Silva

    Susana Camargo Vieira

    Toni Williams

    Yi Shen

Editorial Advisory Board

    Antonio Herman Benjamin

    Diego P. Fernández Arroyo

    George A. Bermann

    Jürgen Basedow

    Katharina Boele-Woelki

    Lei Heong Iok

Submissions: brazilianstudies@163.com

Statement of Aims

Macau Journal of Brazilian Studies (MJBS) is published by the Macau Association for Brazilian Studies (Associação de Estudos Brasileiros em Macau – AEBM), a think tank dedicated to provide theoretical support and constructive initiatives for the China – Brazil relations.


As a research journal, MJBS aims to provide a leading international forum for in-depth Brazilian studies from a wide array of perspectives. Manuscripts written in a manner that makes them accessible to the wider public and to governmental officials engaged in policy discourse and decision-making for the economic and commercial relations between China and Brazil are particularly welcome.


MJBS relies on the double blind peer review process to uphold the quality and validity of articles.


MJBS is published twice a year, respectively in April and in October. In addition to the print version (Print ISSN 2523-6601), an open-access publication of MJBS (Online ISSN 2523-661X) is available online at <aebm.mo>. The publication of MJBS benefits from the sponsorship of Macao Foundation. 

Submission of articles

Macau Journal of Brazilian Studies (MJBS) invites authors to submit original manuscripts on all aspects of issues related to the Brazilian studies. Short articles or notes commenting on previously published articles or books are also welcome.

Prospective authors should submit their manuscripts through E-mail at: brazilianstudies@163.com. 

It is assumed that the submission of a manuscript to the MJBS signals that it has not been, and will not be, submitted elsewhere at the same time. Papers scheduled for future publication in book form will be considered, provided they would appear first in MJBS. The Macau Association for Brazilian Studies maintains the rights to translate and publish the accepted manuscripts in other languages. 

Articles should normally range from 5,000 to 10,000 words and should be prefaced by an abstract of less than 200 words. Book reviews and Notes should in general not exceed 2500 words. Full guidance for contributors regarding the organization and reference format of submissions are available on the website <aebm.mo>.